Our ingredients are grown organically and harvested in Ecuador, ensuring prosperity for the whole people involved but especially for the environment.


Through innovation, our products are organic-based, resulting in gluten-free, high in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and finally healthy foods consumed throughout the day.


We put taste first. From the crunchy bold flavors of our powders, crunchies, or flakes, to healthy flours and the gentle texture of our recovery gels.


Since 1992 we’re a group of entrepreneurs committed to offer the best and healthiest food, brought directly from the source.

We’re a zero-waste living advocate company, focused on importing and distributing high-quality banana derivatives such as crunchies or flakes as breakfast boosters, energy and recovery gel, also green banana flour, ripped banana powder for industrial applications, and peel banana flour as a natural and organic fertilizer for gardens and crops.

Healthy Foods Essentials is the one banana foods company made for you. With over thirty years of experience, we’re transforming what it means to be nutritional and delicious. Every product we offer, today and tomorrow is gluten-free, organic, with Non-GMO ingredients and no additives.

We only use the best banana in the world that comes from Ecuador.


To provide healthy foods that contribute to the wellness of consumers, specially banana derivatives.


To be an avant-garde company that always offers the best food options, whether ecological, natural or conventional, building a true circular economy.


We believe in honesty, hard, persistent and focused work, with these ingredients, plus a correct attitude of service, we consider to achieve success.

What do we offer?

Premium banana derivatives

The best banana crunchies and flakes on the planet come from organic bananas cropped in Ecuador to be consumed as breakfast boosters, snacks, and energy bars.

Workout recovery gel

Rich in potassium, manganese, magnesium, and dietetic fiber our gels will fuel your body 100% naturally, only with bananas and coconut water.

Banana flour and ripe banana powder

Applied to the bakery, water purification, and fertilizers industry, we produce and distribute green banana flour (with and without peel), banana powder, and peel banana powder.

Peel Banana Powder as a pure and natural fertilizer made in Ecuador. Concentrated product. Safe for pets and children.

Banana Peel Powder

Banana peel powder is a natural fertilizer produced from crushing dried banana peels and can improve soil quality and plant growth sustainably.